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Grant Writing Careers / Make Money - Making Money !!!

Practical ideas for breaking in to the Grant Writing field.

In all likelihood you have been exposed to the “fruits” of a Grant Writers work without ever realizing it. If you have been served by one of the organizations listed below, you most likely have reaped the benefit of a Grant Writer’s diligence.

If you are contemplating using your creative writing skills in the world of program and project development then here are a handful of areas where Grant Writers are needed, wanted and pursued!

Get out there and sell what you can do for one of these organizations. To get started, offer to assist the organization’s Development Director or current Grant Writer as a volunteer… yes for FREE! Your Goal - Build a reputation and a testimonial catalog.

Help Wanted: Grant Writer !

hospital development office
Institutions of Higher Ed.
Private Institutions of Higher Ed
university development office
university laboratory
university grants compliance office
university outreach department (like a Cooperative Extension)
community coalition (like a local Community Foundation)
church board
faith-based community services
Small Business Development Center
School - local and district positions
State Department of Education
Federal Agencies like UDSA, HHS, etc.
grassroots organizations
public policy action groups
City or Township Governments
County Governments
minority –serving institutions
Individuals (pursuing college)
Native American Tribal Orgs.
Nonprofits with 501(c)(3) IRS status
Not-for-Profits – (mental health, social work, child care, youth, medical, social service, ANY KIND of group

Check out America’s Job Exchange for an excellent Job Search site!

What are you waiting for? Get out there and change the world around you!

Jenny Lynn
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